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Monday 6 Jan
Had a talk with Walter Johnson and he seems to certainly appreciate my position and I anticipate no more trouble.
The visible growth of my idea is apparent in the greatly added personelle - of the Paris Office staff. and the crowds of soldiers and officers who come for costumes or material.
Almost [[strikethrough]] 16,000 [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] 15000 [[/insertion]] costumes have been sent out into the field - 15,000 sheets of music - and many hundreds of other miscelanious articles 80   listed coaches are in the field - the real number of people boosting the idea will never be known     Margarite Shaw lunched with me to-day
Vanderpool dined with us to-night and we talked over [[Hervey's?]] affairs - He will write at my suggestion to both Denman and Ms V. telling both how [[Hervey?]] fully intended to leave his treasures in Boston - to the city.
Tuesday 1 - 7 am    [[double underlined]] ROOSEVELT DIED [[/double underlined]]
Sent of a lot more costumes to Coblenz, and three nice girls.
Dorothy Donnelly and Ms Henshaw came in to-day from Chaumont, and report great successes
They will be glad to go to Coblenz after a week more at Chaumont to finish up - Steele and Cushing left to-night for home
The Seine is in flood and looks dangerous
Wednesday 8 - 9 am
Corinna and Marie and Margurite - left for Nancy early this morning - on their great trip - Sam Davis went up on the same train with them.  I am left along in my magnificences