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[[circled]] 107 [[/circled]]
It was a love letter denoting more or less a culmination of engagment.
Emily [[?]] made the translation - and remarked "you must know this girl very well. and for some time when did you meet her  He answered in all seriousness "Oh yes Miss [[?]]. I have known her for quite some time - she is - etc etc (fulsome compliments).
Where did you meet her.
Why! we landed at [[?]]. at 3. one afternoon and left that night. She is a wonderful girl all right - and I dont want her to worry about me - No she dont speak any English - and I dont speak any French - Thanks for writing to Jeanne."
A. quick worker ?
Dined with Jack. at Webbers. with a friend of Jacks - Mr. Baker [[insertion]] Ray [[]] Baker [[/insertion]] a newspaper man Raced home ahead of or on the tails of a thunder storm. I dont know which. - Paris darker than before - since two nights now. new coal saving regulations have gone in with this result.
Harry Lauder has arrived and gone to Chaumont. - He is our biggest head liner at present.
Monday Sept 10 - 
Can't sleep late somehow in Paris. so it was no special virtue on my part that found me at my attic desk at 8.30 this AM. - a long and rather profitable day  Had an interview with a magician and rapid chalk artist. whom we are to sent to Italy at once 
also - two ladies - not yet assigned  
Had a very satisfactory interview with Steele

Transcription Notes:
Harry Lauder - Scottish Music Hall entertainer