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an answer.  So into the iniquitous place we walked - and there I was at once addressed as "Uncle Joe I declare" - by one Van __ who sat at table with his sister and Billie Hibbard and Sue and I. on the Harvard trip to Panama - another young man came up and spoke to me - who knew Dublin, better than I knew him. - I afterwards escaped and fed myself in the humble Duval near the Madelaine.
Thursday. 25
Fritz still retreats before our troops. but there are evidences of a stand about to be taken.
Weather wonderful - glorious storm clouds in the sky.  cool and delicious temperature.  wrote some notes that had to be attended to. - Saw Henry about E.B. whose debts Henry has to pay.  we hope nothing will prevent this unsatisfactory young man from departing and leaving France - his further usefulness here is out of the question.
Slow are the English to give this permission and I think now it looks like my getting off on Saturday morning.  Cowley not yet in evidence - and I'm afraid his non appearance will upset Tom and the performance of the "Drawing of the Sword" booked for Sunday at Brest.
Went to meeting a Jacks at 5. and amongst other business transacted, heard a motion made and approved that ambassadorial request for Mrs. Smith's presence again in France be made.  and I will send Corrina this information to-morrow