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Mr. Carter's office - She has had just the sort of experience needed for my work. and Mr. Carter will let her come to me I think - because of her long service in [[?]] - and her experience - I shall suggest she tries a Front position - and she of course liked the idea very much.
Cowley returned to-day. - he looks badly and I'm afraid he won't easily stand a Winter over here - I may send him to Corfu - it would be a good place for him. he could be of great service there I am sure. 
Wrote a letter to Corinna and sent it off - told her all the local news. Red Cross scandal. etc etc
Sent Corinna a letter to-day.
Saturday July 27
Saw Sam Davis this morning at the Y. H.Q. he is one of us - just arrived. and I at once wondered whether I could make use of him in my business - sent a cable to Corinna - telling her Ambassadorial request for her visit to France was probable - at 11 oclock - Miss Mochler - Miss ___ and I started out in a car - to go to Dammartin where we were to do some entertaining. and Gertrude was going to join us.
We had a delightful [[?]] out - stopped & bought food and had a gay picnic by the roadside - and about 2.30 or 3 arrived at our destination to find the Division all upside down - packing up - and going out early in the morning. no one knew where
We could not therefore give our stunts and the men were as disappointed as we were.
Later on we came back to Paris - and I took supper with Harry in his rooms. 
We never did see Gertrude and some tons of ice cream