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Saturday 10th
Awoke. to find that so well had the bed been made so tightly had the sheet been stretched - that I had supposed it was the matress. and had therefore slept (none too warmly) under - a coverlid only. - this news of imbecility caused great merriment on the part of the girls who agreed that hereafter "Grandpa" must be more carefully watched and if needs be - be tucked into his bed at night.
Lizzie could not be prevailed upon to start. she was sulky. and cold to all attentions and all blandishments. - Henry Ford wouldn't have liked her rude churlish behavior.  We managed to get her out into the street in front of the hotel and then some American soldiers came along. and Lizzie was immediately made to roll along smartly. and seeing she was now in the hands of the Army she snorted derisively - let forth a noxious cloud of smoke - and with the most of Meaux's inhabitants we quickly gathered speed. and shook the dust from our tires.
Not long before the well known (to me) evidences of soldiers [[?]]. began to appear on the face of Nature. Easy to see. where vast quantities of men and material had been stationed. on the way up to the Front.
We stopped at La Ferte - where we have a big Y.M.C.A. warehouse  La Ferte is said to be the prospective H.Q. of Gen'l Pershing.
After transacting some business at the Warehouse - we were off again - Lizzie perfectly chasened now. and showing all the wonderful ability which have made her generation so famous.
About noon we came down into all that is left of charming Chateau Thierry - 
In the beautifully mahogany paneled courtroom. in the Palaise de Justice - we found a crowd of boys. and two Y entertainers. having great fun. being photographed by a movie man - Miss Mochler and I took part.