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Sunday 18.
Worked all the morning in my room at the hotel unusual experience - wrote a long letter to McLane. giving a digest of what my work has been - sat in the gardens a while in the afternoon - a perfect day. and a good one to rest in - as it was made for. went to bed very early. - English now doing great work up around Anas.
Monday 19.
Great drive on in the costume making - and well it is so - as the requests for them come thick and fast. - showing how the "Army Talent" is developing.  Mr. Lowe. one of my early coaches - at Fays Bellist came. with a splendid report of accomplishment - and wants 3 trunks full to take back with him.
- Had interview with Cowley and Mary Young. concerning costumes for the Jeanne d Arc - 
Some of Winthrop Ames's Professional people have arrived - and I had a pleasant visit from some of them.
Madame Vignon takes hold of the work splendidly as I felt sure she would - she seems to greatly enjoy it. and I shall have a feeling of security now when I am away. that she is on the job seeing to it that it is going on well
My design for minstrel pants. sash & coat. is going to be entirely successful I believe - and the cost will be very very small - 
We are also planning now on The Santa Claus Suits which must be begun at once - 600 or 700 of them at least - 
Mr. Carter came to see our new establishment this afternoon and was much pleased with it all I am to have an interview with him tomorrow