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Went with Mr. Johnson out to Janet Sandders Villa - [where he and Towne and Williams have been living for the last two months] - It is a charming place and they are lucky young men.
Two young Army men - both Lieutenants also spent the night and after supper - one of them told of his experiences around Chateau Thierry - 
Our young officers are clever and quick - they are young too - they are afraid of no German - How many of the fine young lives have got to go before the end? I felt rather old. and useless for a little while - and then one of the fellows said something about men of my age - and what they were doing in the War - in the Y. and Red Cross and at home. and I felt all young and keen again and in the darkness of the garden. the boys couldn't see that tears had come into my eyes because of what they had carelessly said - 
Bless 'em.
Tuesday August 20
How the days pass! came in to Paris with Mr. Johnson and many other commuters - 
Business at the office all the morning. and at 12 had a short and pleasant interview with Mr. Carter. - He thoroughly approved of all I put up to him and said he wished he had more workers in the Y like myself. it was a most unexpected praise
He thought I better go down to Italy for a short trip, it will be a delight to see the dear country again for a few days. I will go by the first of the week I suppose.
Saw Tiger Smith to-day. After lunch I went with Madame Vignon on a