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[[insertion from left page]] 12th day [[/insertion from left page]] 
Saturday March 9  Day opens fair - we start just after Mr. Davis at 6 30/or and arrive at Assuit about 10 - pay visit 8 am. Consul execute papers and take carriages to the bazarr where we bought several things and more on coming back to the boat. The Reis concludes to go home to Cairo as his legs are in very bad shape and he needs immediate treatment [[insertion]] He does not go [[/insertion]] - We go through the barrage at 4 oclk & proceed a few miles
[[insertion from left page]] 13th day [[/insertion from left page]]
Sunday March 10  Start about 6 - no wind - about 9 wind from South which freshens to Strong which bowled us along to 3 or 4 miles below Monfalut where a sharp turn in the river makes the wind a side wind and we moor [[insertion]] 10 30 [[/insertion]] [[underlined]] We [[/underlined]] think it poor judgement as by the rope and pushing off from the shore we ought to fairly easy get around the point of perhaps a mile then find a good wind to Deirout.
11.45 we work across the river - the rope breaks before we get away from bank - old boat sound on bottom I think but leaky on top - ropes & blocks old and rotten. 1 30 start rowing the wind having abated