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[[insertion from left page]] 7th day [[/insertion from left page]]
Thursday 29th Another day of South wind We are getting rather tired of this place Only small villages near, and poor place for supplies - Market day today & Dowie is up trying to get some milk &c - The Reis has finished his awning & so much is done & well.  In hopes of a good day tomorrow the day closes -
[[insertion from left page]] 8th day [[/insertion from left page]]
Friday 30th  And another day at Kafr-Amar Strong wind storm from the South. The crew are getting uneasy at the delay as they are hired for a month only (as we suppose) and as they mostly live up the river they wish the extra time after arriving at Luxor to be with their homes.  Yesterday the writer amused himself making a box for Joes canvasses and today he made Tiney's house - of cardboard - but no sooner was it done then she wanted - front door - chimney - glass windows - steps - bath tub for dolls etc - truly one want makes another. 
Dowé made a trip to Wasta for bread. Rained again last night.