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[[insertion from left page]] 28th day [[strikethrough]] 17 miles [[/strikethrough]]
bad part of day for crew
2. Reis & 1 man & boy
rest of day 2 Reis 4 man & boy
wind fairly good but had to track [[/insertion from left page]]
Thursday Dec. 20  We left Umm El Ousel at 6.30 fair but light wind - we found very bad sailing - the course was nearly a [[underlined]] double [[/underlined]] letter S. at about 11 a.m. just at the last of bad tracking place we found Lufardi with two sailors that he had got at Assuit. 
Yesterday while Dowie & the Gov. was away & the vessel was sailing it got aground just before reaching Deirout - All the women on board helped work - they hauled up the anchor themselves, tearing & wetting their clothes but succeeded
To day the Capt & Yuseff with Dowie & Abdulachman towed the boat a long way while the Gov & Mahomet & the cook polled when needed - We all have worked our passage so far - 
We landed about 1/2 mile below the dam at Assaud at dusk - The Dahabieyah Dougola belonging to an Austrian prince came up behind us
After dinner the Gov. changed his shirt & costume and with Dowie & a visiting card made him a call and was nicely received - He was 12 days from Cairo He offered any help he had & even offered to loan me money.