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[[insertion from left page]] Dec 22 contd still to fair wind [[/insertion from left page]]
Dec. 22 Saturday  Capt sent to Owner for money by telegraph but owner said it would come by post New crew will not come aboard untill the money comes - bread making over the river. Capts. cook was down with his mother who wanted him to go with us - he refuses & goes off-"imperious".
[[insertion from left page]] Assuit 31st day good wind 2 Reis & 2 men 2 " [[ditto for: Reis]] & 8 " [[ditto for: men]] [[/insertion from left page]]
Sunday Dec. 23  Day opens clear with brisk north wind which held through the night with our good moon and this wind we could & probably would have put in a good run if the Capt - could have had his way about the money from Cairo. 
10.30 New Crew of 6 men came aboard with bread - Capts. cook refused to go. And off we go. The Austrian Baron "Dongola" in hot pursuit but I venture the statement that we are to be neighbors to night.  But with only one sail up - they could not go slow enough and soon passed us bowing & saluting.  Make about 4 miles an hour by a bee line. 6 o'clk off Geore - 7 o'clk aground