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[[insertion from left page]] 6th day [[/insertion from left page]]
Sunday March 3  Day opens quiet and we take the oars at 6 a.m. in two hours we reach Balliana and proceed. 9 o'clk a strong North wind comes up and to avoid going ashore on the wrong side of the river - as usual - we come to anchor in mid-stream a mile or two below Baliana.
Quite a sea came up and the Reis upsail and made for the other side of the river - 1st the main sheet broke - then the felucca went adrift then the shore line parted all which seemed natural - 
I know of [[underlined]] one [[/underlined]] good rope on this craft
[[insertion from left page]] 7th day [[/insertion from left page]]
Monday March 4  Day opens quiet - at 5am we started and by good luck reached Girga just before the strong North wind came up at 10 o'clk. We then all went to the Station and met Joe and Miss McDonald who is to be our guest to Cairo. After Lunch Corinna Miss McDonald Dowie 4 Sailors & myself went across the river and up the hill to see some old tombs.
Well I am glad I went