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finds that we are living as we did last month, for just $2.00 a head which is cheaper living than we can do in Boston and as reasonable as Italy.
Work went on at Karnak in the morning, and at Luxor temple in the afternoon
Legrain has found an interesting ancient drain - between the sacred lake and the new excavations which he thinks is a very important affair - running to the Nile and used perhaps to drain the lake
The Longfellows arrived to-day from Assouan
The Fergusons came down the river to-day - sent a telegram to the owner of the "Bijou"
An eventful day. Karnak in the morning Luxor in the afternoon
Had word from Cairo about the boat, and by two oclock we had made a contract with the Reis - for himself and sailors - one with the owner for the rent of the boat for two months or more , and made arrangements with the Fergusons, so that they took the boat in the afternoon, and we find ourselves with two dahabeyah's , four feluka's and twenty one men in our empploy.
The Fergusons take the boat for two weeks from date - and may go up the river to see El Kab.
In the afternoon Mrs Brown's [Gerva] sister Mrs Weyermann and her dughter and a Miss Bayley , came and had tea,followed later by the Longfellows and Joe's pictures were shown to  them.
Corinna and Joe went to dinner at the Monds - met M.Nairlle and his assistant there
Had a cable from Mrs Gardner to-day saying to buy the Paris tapestry.