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Made an early start and at noon reached Kom Ombo twenty six miles from Assouan. Landed and saw the temple and an hour later resumed our voyage - and met and saluted a dhahabeah and an Anglo=American Steamer.
Ousmaine perfectly sober.
In the afternoon about sun down came to Fars. and there tied up for the night. and walked by a splendid moonlight after dinner.

Started about five this morning. and went all day, stopping at seven in the morning at Gebel Silsileh where we saw the temples or chapels and afterwards resumed our way.
A strong head wind blew all the afternoon.
At sunset we had reached Silwa - where we spent the night.

Started earlier than ever before. from Silwa this morning. and reached Edfou about two. having tracked for some hours passing magnificent scenery on the way.
The two Grandparents went off on a wild goose chase in the small feluka over to the other bank. to the Railway station. hunting for  "Mr. Joe" who it was thought might possibly be there waiting. A sheep was promised the crew.

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