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[[preprinted]] 121 [[/preprinted]]
March 11  
[[left margin]] [[underlined]] Assiout [[/underlined]] [[/left margin]]
Started early, no wind and a quiet sea and reached Assiout about eight A.M. Mother Corinna, Tutoq [[insertion]] Abdullah [[/insertion]] and I took a carriage and rode up to the town - quite a distance (two miles) no telegrams but a number of letters - two from Joe which pleased the family.  Telegraphed him to meet us at Montfalut (also Harry Greene) where we expect to be Monday sure. Abdallah spent most of the day in town hunting for bread without success. Mother got some medicine. 
About 3 P.M. we started for the bridge but did not arrive in time to get through. No sheep yet. - a Fantasia -
March 12  
[[left margin]] [[underlined]] Iboub [[/underlined]] [[/left margin]]
Got through bridge 6:30 no wind
Found a mud bank and kedged off. Bad water for navigation and twists and turns in the river. Fetched up here at a small village called Iboub in an eddy which held us as though aground. Wind blowing hard but moderated about 5 - when we hauled down near the town where there is a better water for a start tomorrow. No sheep.