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[[preprinted]] 123 [[/preprinted]] March 13 [[left margin]] [[underlined]] Montferut [[/underlined]] [[/left margin]] Started on time as usual with a light wind from the north About 8:30 some one hailed us from the shore and it proved to be Doé who afterwards said that Mr. Joe was at the Sheiks house eating his breakfast. We moored to the shore at the village of [[underlined]] Beni Husen [[/underlined]]. Joe came aboard and said that they had come to Montferut the day before and rode on donkeys upstream to meet us and getting to Beni Husen too late to return the sheik put them up for the night. The whole family except [[?]] made a call on the Moudi's who returned it by accompanying us through the crowd - it was market day) to the boat when we continued our voyage and arrived opposite Monferut in P.M. - Joe and Doé went over and procured a camel and donkeys and brought them down to the boat where we are moored for the night Captain reports "bad water" ahead and he did not wish to make a start late today C. hurt her finger in the window Mother is better of her rash. We are all well pleased to be all together again.