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drawing. Mother & I got a sketch of the Northern side, and Father drew the West end and Glen Strea. When we were done we set off, and after a pleasant walk, reached the ferry, over which we were conveyed with safety and soon were in the house employed at a good supper which did not come amiss.

Sept. 6th. Weather fine. Father, Mother and I started off Glen Strea. But we did not go far along the road, until it turned into a fine enclosed park or meadow. So we had to make the best of our way over hills through bogs and across streams, till we reached an eminence about half way up the glen, from which we had a good view in the direction over which we had come, and ahead of us, and seeing nothing particularly interesting, and finding it was getting on towards noon, we thought it better to return home. After dinner we went down to the South of Kilchurn castle, and made a sketch of it,

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and the mountains back of it. We also found some fine old Scotch firs, and determined to come again and draw them. In the evening we wrote, drew, read etc.

7th. Sunday. Father had a headache. Spent the day reading and writing.

8th. Got up at five o-clock, and after some breakfast father and I in company with Mr. Dewan set off up Glen Orchy to Inverounen distant sixteen miles. We got a cart which took us eight miles, to the falls of the Orchy. On the way we passed many very picturesque cottages, and two old fir trees, which we concluded we must come to again and draw. After a while we reached the falls, which are very peculiar, as the water falls over a large mass of rock, which has been worn into many very strange forms, by the pebbles. But it is not a fit subject for a sketch. We walked on up the glen through the Marquis of Bredalbane's, [[clear/deer?]] forest, till we came to the Fort William