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park with a stream, called the Serpentine running through it. There are also fine large trees, and picturesque stumps, and we had some good views of the Crystal Palace. After coming out of Hyde Park, we had a long walk through very dirty streets, and at last on reaching Regents Park found the gates closed, and the sky looking very dark we thought it best to return. We got a peep in through the railing, and saw it was very beautiful. We returned by Hyde Park & walking along the shore of the Serpentine had some views of the Crystal Palace which were more like dreams than the reality. The trees are extremely graceful. There was a certain misty hue over the scene which added to its beauty. We went into Kensington Gardens, and saw some beautiful views looking along the river on both sides of which were very fine trees, and buildings, and steeples in the distance, and beautiful flowers along the shores. We had done so much walking, that we were 

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very tired when we got back to our lodgings. 13th. Father and I set off to the North Western Railway station, to see about the trunk which we had left at Bangor, to be forwarded to us. On the way we stopped at a print shop and got three good engravings. We called in at a picture dealers, who was in the habit of sending pictures to America. We passed the British Museum, which is a fine large building of Greek design. After a long walk we reached the station, and were directed to the Camden station, a mile and a half further out, on reaching which we found that the trunk had been sent to our lodgings. We stopped at a house where we saw "lodgings" in Arlington Street, and found the terms 21 shillings per week. Returning we took an omnibus to Trafalgar Square, from which we walked home. In the afternoon we moved to our new quarters at Mrs. Walker's in Cleveland Row. 12th Mother and Father went to the water colour exhibition, and were very much pleased with it. 

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