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We had considerable amusement in getting out to the boats which were to put us on board the steamer, for the shore was very rocky and a mass of seaweed which made it so slippy that we could scarcely keep our feet, and the gentlemen had a great time to help the ladies, finally all being in the boats we shoved off, and were soon safely on board the steamer, though not without some difficulty in getting up the side, as there was considerable sea running.  All the time we had been on shore there were about a dozen, very picturesquely chad children following us, trying to sell shells to us.
Weighing anchor, we stamed to'rds the island of Staffa which we reached in about an hour. It is such a fine piece of nature that I cannot begin to give a description of it.  Father and I each sketched it, while some of the party landed to see Fingall's cave. Father also got a sketch of a fine range of mountains on the opposite side of the channel, amongst them Ben More which looked very grand.  One of Father's sketches
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was taken out of his hands by a gust of wind, and after being whirled around some ten or fifteen feet overhead, alighted on deck in front of him, so that he was able to grab it.
When More who had landed returned, we steamed on our return, passing many beautiful mountain scenes; the old castle of Mingarry, and fine rocky shores, and soon reached Tobermorry, a town about the size of Oban and situated on the edge of a pretty little bay, with high hills rising above it, on which are fine waterfalls.  Leaving some passengers off at this place, we followed our return, passing Ardtornish and Dunolly castles, and arrived at Oban about seven o'clock, being very glad to get home to mother and Lilly, who were looking out the window for us.

Aug 29th. Father touched up the sketches he had made the day before.

30th. Father painted at the sketch of Staffa. Mother and I went about a mile to the other side of the town and got a drawing of Highland