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several place through the grounds there are ponds for water fowl. There is a long room with cages on each side in which the monkeys are kept, & we had a great deal of amusement with them, having brought a lot of apples for which they were extremely greedy. One mother monkey, with her little one in her arms, held its little hand instead of her own, out through the bars, and looked so imploringly at us, that the apeal was irrisistable. A fine collection of reptiles interested us very much, They are kept in glass cases. Amongst them we saw an asp which is said to be the kind which Cleopatra used to take her life; and a Boa Constrictor, rattle snake, and many other remarkable varieties, some of them enormously large. There was an elephant with a calf, five fine giraphs, which looked very clean and healthy, and a rhinocerous One of the greatest wonders was a hippopotamus, the first ever exhibited in London. It is a large animal with a gray, thick hide, very small feet and legs in proportion to its Body, and a great clumsy head and enormous mouth 

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He was wading about in a cistern of water amusing himself with a carrot, by making ineffectual grab at it as it floated about on the surface of the water. The Seal is just like the engravings we have seen of them. There were some Otters, a curious little animal. They ran towards us, as we approached, to beg. Some Badgers, the hairs of which are used in making the brushes called softeners. We saw also several wolves, two large white bear and two black ones. But the most amusing object of all was a great Orang Outan. He fell little short in expression of some Irishmen which we have seen, and cut a great many capers, which amused the spectators very much. We had a hearty laugh at him. After seeing all we returned to our lodgings, much pleased with our afternoon. Dec: 6th. In the afternoon we thought we would go and try to find Andrew Smith. We were, on reaching the park, first directed to the opposite side of it, where we proceeded and were provoked on making inquiry there to be directed back to where we had come from. so we set off, intending to return by another way from that in which we had