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the ceiling besides vines and quantities of beautiful flowers.  After this we were shown two very neat green houses, one containing all the different varieties of heather, and the other choice gamonicas.  Speaking about the Royal Botanical Gardens, Mr.Smith told us that he could get us admission to them, being well acquainted with the person in charge.  so fixing upon Tuesday afternoon went to see them. we took leave of Mr. Smith being much pleased with his kindness and all that we had seen.
  In the evening  Mr. Geo; Arthur Tripp, the artist whose acquaintance we had made while in the Highlands, called to tell father that a friend, a Mr. Field, residing at Hampstead,wanted him to bring father to dine with him on Sunday week.  And that he, Mr. Tripp, would be pleased to take father to the meeting of the Sketch Club on Wednesday evening either of this week or next.  When he had seen the pictures with which he expressed himself, well pleased, he departed.

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Decr. 7th.  Father had  a headache, and the rest of us not feeling very well  we remained in the house.  Mother wrote to Uncle Samuel.
Dec. 8th Father laid in his peihive of Kilchum Castle.  Mother heard Lilly and me say our lessons.
Dec. 9th  Father wanting to get a dress coat, he and I went down to Oxford Street.  After a good many turnings and bendings, we reached Thos; Hiam's, the great tailor, where father was soon very well suited.  We returned by Rathbone Place and father called in at Rowney's, the colours man, and ordered a small  water colour box.  We passed "Winson & Newton's and saw some splendid water colour boxes in the window, made either of silver, or some metal resembling it.  We reached home about half past twelve o'clock.
    After dinner, in accordance with our appointment with Andrew Smith, we got ready to visit the Botanical Gardens.  As our landlady, Mrs. Turner, never had seen them, and expressed a desire to accompany us, we took her along.  When we arrived at the Holm