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The interior of a prison was next shown, in which the prophet's mother is imprisoned; and the prophet enters, and they have a long conversation together.  After this comes the closing scene, representing a temple, with the prophet in the height of feasting and enjoyment, and surrounded by dancing girls, in the midst of which splendour a fire suddenly breaks out, smoke comes in volumes up through the floor, and the flames burst in from every side, all is confusion and dismay, and just as the walls have tumbled down with a noise like thunder, the curtain falls, and the opera closes.    The opera house was very richly decorated, the stage is unusually large, and in addition to the principal performers, there were so many chorus singers, and all so well dressed that there was a look of great fullness and completeness.  I counted seventy musicians in the orchestra
March 22nd.  In the morning we went down to the Boulvards and bought a lot of pencils and a tin water colour box, to contain fifteen cakes, with a place for brushes and a fold for a pallette, only costing three and a half fran[[strikethrough]] k [[/strikethrough]]s, equal to about seventy cents.  We also bought

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a lot of moist colours at five cents a cake, to put in it.  We returned home by the Madeline.  Mr. Newbold Smith called to see us.           As the afternoon was a remarkably beautiful one, we took a walk to see the garden of the Tuilleries.  We first passed down to the Madeline and out the rue royal St Honera to the Place de la Concorde and from that into the gardens, which cover a great space of ground in front of the palace of the Tuilleries, and are laid out in this manner

[[diagram of the gardens and paths]]
[[description within bottom of diagram about location - Avenue where the citizens congregate for passtime- and [[?]] some with children to play.]]

The main avenue continues into the Champs Ely'esse, and it has a beautiful effect when one stands in the door