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Along the centre of the room are placed groups representing incidents in history. Victoria & Albert are conferring honours upon the Duke of Wellington, surrounded by prominent persons, amongst whom are the Arch Bishop of Canterbury, Marquis of Anglesea, Sir. Robert Peel, Marquis of Wellesley, Lord John Russell, the Queen Dowager, the Duchess of Kent and Nicholas 1st.  Emp: of Russ- Near this group is another, of Mary Queen of Scots, Queen Elizabeth, Henry the Eighth, John Knox, John Calvin and Martin Luther. Queen Mary is small and very handsome. Queen Elizabeth is of ordinary size and homely. King Henry is a real rough John Bull. He is dressed in the costume of Francis the 1st. John Knox is a slight man clad in black. Calvin and Luther of middling size, with black gownds. Another group represents Oliver Cromwell communicating to Charles the first his death warrant. Chrs. the second is present. They are all large men, and have on splendid suits of armour. Around the floor, near the walls, are ranged 

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Jenny Lind dressed as a German peasant (she is short and stout), Mrs: Siddons, in the carichter of Queen Catherine, J.P. Kemble, as Hamlet, Paganini, a tall thin skeleton of a man, with black hair, and the Rev. John Wesley. Here also is Kossuth, a very small man with blk. hair, He is clad in black velvet with leather boots to his knees. The coat is made with a cape, which, with the coat, is trimmed with fur. MohHamet Ali, a small stout, active looking man, of dark complexion, with a deep brown quick eye, and gray beard, clad in Turkish costume. Genl: Washington, in a suit of black velvet, looking stately and dignified. Lord Byron, in a splendid Greek costume. Macready as Coriolanus showing a magnificent Roman costume, and others. We next went into a small room in which is a picture of the birth of Venus, the masterpiece of Boucher, really a fine work, there being great grace and delicacy in the figures, and fine drawing and modeling and good colour. Here too are Cardinals Wolsey and Wiseman