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Milan in 1806. In this apartment are a number of curious relics such as a Snuff Box that belonged to James the Second, a paste star worn by the Duke of Sussex, a shoe of Pope Pius the Sixth, a handkerchief of George the Fourth, and a knife with which Margaret Nicholson tried to murder George the Third. It is a little round ended knife with a round stained handle. There is a coat worn by Lord Nelson at the battle of the Nile, & also a fine dressing case, coat and vest, of the Duke of Wellington. From this room we went into the "Chamber of Horrors" which contains the most celebrated murders, and their victims. and as the name indicates is so horrible, that we did not stay long in it. The only things we paid particular attention to, were the two men that carried on kidnapping, to get bodies for medical students in Edinburgh. Their names were Burk and Hair, they were middling sized men, one had on an old high hat broken in the crown, and a red cotton handkerchief around his neck and old work gray frock coat. The other is rather better

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dressed. These are through the most natural figures in the whole exhibition. The flesh is mostly on too light a key to be perfectly natural. In coming out we passed down the other side of the large room that we had first entered. Here we saw Mr. Liston as Paul Pry. Sir Walter Scott in a splendid Highland costume. He is a large man, and like all the portraits I have seen of him. Lord Nelson, a tall slight man with a mild and sad countenance. Voltaire, a very slight man, and thin and shrivelled in the face, Lord Brougham and Daniel O'Connell, the former a tall man, with projecting forehead and sensible looking face, and the latter a fat little fellow with full face, small eyes and nose, & black hair. Near these is a group representing Joan of Arc, Henry the Fourth and Francis the First. Joan is a short stout resolute looking woman, with light hair. She has on armour and holds a great sword in her hand. Henry and Francis are both enormous men, clad in splendid suit of armour. There is a figure of Shakespeare, a very slight man, with dark hair, clad in black. And General Tom Thumb