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collected them safely without being stung in the process.

June 10 -

Left Fort de kock early in the morning, after stopping to ad ire the nearby Panora a (the Dutch always label any view that the tourist should stop and see "Panorama 0.45 kms"  ). It is astonishing to look out over the vast canyon below the city, and to realise that this town is built on the edge of so sheer a cliff.

We collected along the route, stopped in Loeboek Sikaping for lunch, and paused once more at the poison spring. A little extra seepage came out near the road, but we found no dead butterflies today.

Through the gorgeous country of Devil's Mountain we came again, this time just before sunset, when the folded green of the grass-covered hills looked rich and soft as velvet, and the little  clumps of trees in the hollows showed black against the mountains.
Through little villages that were fragrant with wood smoke and frying coconut, where the children shouted greetings as our car went by, and through the peaceful rice fields, where the little pools of water with their [[strikethrough]] leaded [[/strikethrough]] mud dykes looked like stained glass windows in the sunset color's reflections. Later the new moon peered up at us from the sawahs. Past slow-moving, cumbersome buffalo carts we drove in the dark, coming into the Kota Nopan rest-house, ablaze with electric light, furnished with a noisy radio and a welcome frigidaire, and Williams waiting for us.

June 11 -

Off at eight o'clock, and interested in the native life all the way to Padang Sidempoean, where we had lunch, called again on the Controller and saw Mr. Surbeck, who took us to his house to see his tame white gibbon - a nice beast.

From Pad. Sidempoean we turned off on the new road that goes by way of Sipirok, and found ourselves climbing up into a gorgeous high plateau - grass lands, low shrubs, and then everyonce on a while a deep jungle canyon lined with trees, where we could see Entellus monkeys peering at us with their  inquisitive, high crested heads just showing over the bushes. The resthouse at Sipirok is high and cool, with a lovely view of the  surrounding mountains, and we ate nasi goreng and slept under two blankets.

June 12 -

We were not far from home when we started this morning, but this is the country of hot springs, and we stopped many times for Tommie to look for the inhabitants of the war  water - beetles, blood worms, and algae. It was the middle of the afternoon when we lunched at Taroetoeng, and the drive, although not as nerve-wracking as the Sibolga road, was tiresome, for the road was narrow and dusty. Towards sunset we approached Prapat, and as we looked once more upon the deep coloring of Toba's water, and the surrounding

Transcription Notes:
Lucile's typewriter sometimes doesn't print the "m"