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[[map; sideways orientation; north indicated at top of page]]

Mountain     W[[est]]
Morley Road
Conglomerates    McCodrum's Brook.
Old Mill Dam
Upper Etcheminian Shale.
Old Quarry
McLean's Brook    N[[orth]]
McLean's Brook   
1 40 ft.   
2 20 ft.  
3 40 ft.  
4 10 ft.
McLean Valley   

Shales along east side of Valley but no fossils until No 4 is reached.
In No. 1 in a very hard limestone band are the small fossils collected Aug 16.
In No. 2 & 3 are broken Lingulellas worked Aug 16-18 & 23. (Also worked Sept. 6th)
In No 4 are small crushed Lingula

[[bottom of page upside down writing; start at bottom]]

Mira River
Road to Marion Bridge  

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Sept. 6th

Worked on outcrop No 1 in McLean Valley as shown in the diagram on the opposite page. A few specimens were found here Aug. 16th. Today quarried extensively into the cliff and got access to the hard band carrying the fossils and was fortunate enough to obtain a fine lot of over 200 beautifully preserved brachiopods belonging to the Glenns Fauna of Mathew.

Just at night found outcrop No. 3 some distance up the valley.  Evidence here of fine fossils. Same broad Lingulellas as in No. 2. Shall work this outcrop tomorrow.

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