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     Sept. 13th
Took early train this morning
from Sidney to Leitches Creek,
Cross Roads Station.  At this
Station hired a team to take 
myself and baggage out
3 miles to Angus Johnson's at
Leitches Creek on Forrester's Lake
where there are fossils.
Mr. Angus Johnson could not
keep me but 1/2 a mile farther on
found a boarding place with
Norman Johnson.
After dinner Angus Johnson
went with me to the shore of
the lake.  There were no
Cambrian Shales there but
hard limestone of the
Silurian.  As nothing else
could be done worked those
until Sundown and secured
a number of fine specimens.
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Finding that it was only an
hours drive from Norman
Johnsons to Mathew's Boisdale
Section concluded in the evening
to remain with Mr. Johnson and
hired him to help me and
furnish team to all the points
on Mathew's Section.  Am to pay him
$2.00 per day for himself and
team.  and $3.-- per week for board.
As Mr. Johnson has always
lived until recently at Boisdale  --
which is only 4 miles distant, he
knows the whole country
and is familiar with the
shale outcrops.  He also
knows localities not worked
by Mr. Mathew.

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