Viewing page 33 of 41

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[underlined]] Oct. 16 [[/underlined]] Summer & Mts.
Picea sitchensis  0 - 50
Pseudotsuga to top, 150
Tsuga "" [[Dittos for: to top, 150]]
[[strikethrough]] Port Orford Cedar, [[/strikethrough]] Thuja plicata  com to 1200 [[insertion]] a few to [[/insertion]] " [[Ditto for: to top]] " [[Ditto for: 150]]
Abies grandis, a little along slough
Umbellularia - 700
Acer macrophyllum " [[Ditto for: 700]]
[[Ditto for: Acer ]] circinatum [[Ditto for: 700]]
Alnus oregana " [[Ditto for: 700]]
Rhamos purshiana - 700
Salix sitchensis  0
" [[Ditto for: Salix]] scoulleriana -700
Vaccinum ovatum - 1200 [[strikethrough]] to top, 1500 [[/strikethrough]]
" [[Ditto for: Vaccinum]] parviflorum com to top 1500
Gaultheria shallon " "  [[Dittos for: to top 1500]]
Rubus spectabilis about 1200
" [[Ditto for: Rubus]] parviflorus  -700
" [[Ditto for: Rubus]] circinatum
" [[Ditto for: Rubus]] macropetalus, vine
Ribes sanguineria, big
Berberis nervosa to top,
Oxalis oregana " [[Ditto for: to top]]
Holodiscus dumosus  -700
Sambucus glauca 0 - " [[Ditto for: 700]]
Corylus  com at bottom
Pyrus diversifolia " " [[Dittos for: com at bottom]]
Prunus e. villosus, pine " " [[Dittos for: com at bottom]]

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] Summer [[/underlined]]
Ardea fannini  a few
Ayathya marila 1
Ceryle a few
[[Caophlocus?]]  1
Dryobates com
Sphyrapicus ruber 1
Colaptes a few
Bubo heard
Megascops " [[Ditto for: heard]]
Corvus corax 5
Cyanocitta com
Euphagus a few
Sturnella 3
Passerella a few
Melospiza com
[[Parues?]] " [[Ditto for: com]]
Olbiorchilus " [[Ditto for: com]]
Ixoreus naevius  a few

Odocoileus columbianus  com
Sciurus mollipilosus  " [[Ditto for: com]]
Eutamius townsendi  " [[Ditto for: com]]
Fiber  a few
Erethizon one
Aplodontia  abn
Lepus [[bachnani?]]  a few
Felis  com
Lynx  " [[Ditto for: com]]
Urocyon 2 killed once
Ursus  com
Scapanus  abn.

Transcription Notes:
Checked species names, kept Vernon's spelling, anything I'm not sure of is in [[?]] Rhamos purshiana = rhamnus purshiana Salix scoulleriana = Salix scouleriana Vaccinum ovatum = Vaccinium ovatum Vaccinum parviflorum = Vaccinium parvifolium Ayathya marila = Aythya marila Bonassar = Bonassa Parues may possibly mean Parus?