Viewing page 36 of 41

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[underlined]] Gold Beach & Wedderham [[/underlined]]
[[Merala?]]  com
Ampelis cedrorum 20 in flock
Aphelocoma  com
Sturnella  " [[Ditto for: com]]
Zonatrichia gambeli ? " [[Ditto for: com]]
Falco sparverius  2
Accipiter velox  1
[[Chanacea?]]  a few
Buteo b. calurus  
Parus rufescens  com
Regulus satrapa  " [[Ditto for: com]]
Thryothorus  1
Dendroica auduboni  2
Purus hudsonicus  com

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] Gold Beach [[/underlined]]
. Pinus contorta back 2 miles
. Picea sitchensis " [[Ditto for: back]] 4 " [[Ditto for: miles]]
. Tsuga  1 to 4 " [[Ditto for: miles]] a few to 10
. Abies grandis 1 to 4 " [[Ditto for: a few to]] 10
. Psuedotsuga 1 - 4
. Chamocyparus  - 5 mi.
. Umbellularia  all the way up
. Arbutus magrensis  " [[Ditto for: all the way up]]
. Quercus densiflora  " [[Ditto for: all the way up]]
. Alnus oregana " [[Ditto for: all the way up]]
. Acer macrophyllum 4 mi & up
. " [[Ditto for: Acer]] cercenatum " " [[Ditto for 4 mi & up]]
. Salix sitchenses all the way up
. " [[Ditto for: Salix]] scouleriana " " [[Ditto for: all the way up]]
" [[Ditto for: Salix]] yellow " " [[Ditto for: all the way up]]
" [[Ditto for: Salix]] [[norxa?]] gray leaf " " [[Ditto for: all the way up]]
. Garrya shore & back 4 mi. ?
. Holodiscus  all the way
. Rubacer " [[Ditto for: all the way up]]
. Corylus  " [[Ditto for: all the way up]]
. Ceanothus  " [[Ditto for: all the way up]]
. Arctostaphylos tomentosa  shore & 2 mi.
. " [[Ditto for: Arctostaphylos]]  uva ursa " " [[Ditto for: shore & 2 mi.]]
Rubus nootkanus 2 -
. " [[Ditto for: Rubus]] spectabilis [[strikethrough]] all th [[/strikethrough]] - to 4
" [[Ditto for: Rubus]] vine all the way
. Rhus toxicodendron " [[Ditto for: all the way]]
. Ribes sanguinus " [[Ditto for: all the way]]
" [[Ditto for: Ribes]]
" [[Ditto for: Ribes]]

Transcription Notes:
Checked species names, kept Veron's spelling, anything I'm unsure of is in [[?]]. - @siobhanleachman Purus hudsonicus = Parus hudsonicus. Chamocyparus = Chamaecyparis Arbutus magrensis = Arbutus madrensis Acer cercenatum = Acer circinatum Salix sitchenses = Salix sitchensis Arctostaphylos uva ursa = Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Rubus nootkanus probably = rubus nutkanus Ribes sanguinus = Ribes sanguineum