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[[upper right corner, 65 circled]]

ing infant. Infant leaves. Ad. ♀ continues grooming herself. Then I see pair adults or sub adults performing Allogrooming 10 ft away. ♀ goes to join them. One of the latter 2 leaves. Ad. ♀ grooms the remaining one. All animals apparently silent throughout.
See one ind. just sitting, half asleep, on big branch. A couple of juvs. playing not far away. Chasing one another. Quite silent
10;27. Now see four inds. sitting [[underline]]very[[/underline]] close together. 3 ads. or sub-ads., 1 juv. Lots of miscellaneous Allogrooming. All silent Several juvs. playing silently. More or less circling sitting group.
One mid. grooms 2 others in succession.
Then see "mock fight". Play wrestling. Involving 1 juv, and, apparently, [[underline]] 1 adult[[/underline]]! Silent. 
Then there is sound of branch falling. Followed by burst AlB's and [[circled]] AlB-Q[[/circled]]'s. Then quiet again.
Then rest period over 10:37 am. [[underline]] Juvs. leave first[[/underline]]. Followed by adults!!!
10:43. Brief but obviously [[underline]]real[[/underline]] fight between juvs. Wrestling and striking with hands. With L Trll. Then the 2 inds. separate. Fall silent. And one [[underline]] immediately[[/underline]] does silent Jud! Obvious redirection!!
Then see young juv. or old infant following close behind parent. Uttering s-Trll's constantly. In quite rapid successi