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riga variabiles; [[Phyllopsuestes binalis?]]; [[Cuculus pusinsulae?]], Parus [[kambrhatkium?]]; Sitta [[allifrons?]]; [[Motacilla kambalabia?]];  M. [[melanpe?]]; M. [[abbrostribis?]]; [[Cornus oricubalis?]]; Pica [[kamchatica?]]; [[Locusticalla achotcusis?]]; L. [[cuthroca?]];
[[Stirundo Sytheris?]] had already left before my arrival.
The most interesting part of the days work was the finding of obsidian implements and chips [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] on old village site at the lake just where the road to Sareglaskij turns up towards the hills. They were found, some on the surface of the trial,  some by digging with the earth just under
[[blue pencil]] 578 [[/blue pencil]]