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with a [[?]] [[?]] of an average of 50000 and nobody cared for anything after that; but it is safe to assert that at least 10000 serviceable skins could have been secured in addition during the following month, if a similar policy of "scarping" had then been pursued.
And so with the stageyness of the skins! The first signs of it in them days was sufficient to stop further sealing; now the stagey seals are simply let go and the ^[[insertion]] few [[/insertion]] good ones are taken.
Day beautiful in morn and at the village, but high wind at sea and on the mountains. Spent a pleasant evening aboard the "Porpoise" with the captain and officers.
Seals are now spreading. On Aug 19 o.s. 56 skins were taken from Marashnik, and now seals are [[?]] at [[Farfanka?]].