Viewing page 8 of 41

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[[start page]]

[[underlined]] Plant Catalogue [[/underlined]] 1895

57. Abies gravdis
Kingston, Idaho
Aug.1, 1895
[[long dash]][[underlined]] 1896 [[/underlined]][[long dash]]
58. Umbilifer
Elgin, Oregon, May 29.96.

59. Umbilifer
Elgin, Orego, May 29
60. Abies
Kamela, Oregon, June 2;
branches from pit bottom, come
from another tree.
61. Balsamorrhiga [[dark ink overwrites pencil]] careyana [[/dark ink overwrites pencil]]
Heppner, Oregon, June 11.96

62. [[lightly crossed out]] Lithosperuun[[/lightly crossed out]] sping 
Heppner, Or. June 11.
[[dark ink]] Amsinekia intermedus [[/dark ink]]
63. Hydrophyllum
Heppner Or. June 11.96
[[dark ink]] Physelia magellanica [[/dark ink]]
64. Lupinus, blue, cavesent
Heppner, O, June 11, 96.

65. Luninus pusillus   June 19
Crown Rock, John Day R, Oregon
66. Malrastrum
Crown Rock, Ore. June 19

[[end page]]

[[start page]]

[[underline]] Washington, 1896 [[/underline]]

Epigia ripens  Mch. 29.
Clatonnia virginien [[ditto for March 29]]
Hepatica [[ditto for Mch 29]]
Erythronium on high island Apr. 12
Dicentra [[ditto for Apr.12]]
Viola - blue,
Bloodroot April 7
Hepatica [[ditto for April 7]]
Dentaria locinata [[ditto for April 7]]
Magnolia speciasa 13
Apple [[ditto for 13]]
Peach [[ditto for 13]]
[[Curved line to the left side of 2 lines starting Japanese... and Sadon...]]
Japanese Quince [[ditto for 13]]
Sadon japonica [[ditto for 13]]

[black ink instead of pencil to the end of this page]]
[[Curved line to the left side of 2 lines starting On... and List...]]

On High Island, April 19, 1896
[[underline]] List of flowers [[/underline]]

Senecio aureus
Mertensia virginiea
Sassafras officinale
Arvelanchier cavadensis
Dentaria lacinata
[[ditto for Dentaria]] diphylla
Trillium sessile
Erythronium americanim
[[ditto for Erythronium]] albedinsar
Direa palustris
Geranium maculatum
Dicentra cueullaria

[[end page]]