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[[underline]] May 23 [[/underline]]
Rawlins, Wyo. daylight
plenty of grass, no stock

[[underline]] Ogden [[/underline]] 1:40
left Ogden 2.10

[[underline]] Corrinne [[/underline]] a broad, open gap extends north to Bear Lake & Sonoran Zone undoubtedly goes through to Snake R.

[[underline]] Kelton [[/underline]]
Mountains to the north & those to west of Salt Lake are covered with snow 

[[underline]] Ombey, [[/underline]] first section house west of Kelton - a Spermophilus mollis seen close to track. Mountains north of Kelton extend toward & may connect with [[Prursseans?]] -

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underline]] Lovelock [[/underline]] daylight

[[underline]] Reno [[/underline]]
Balsamorrhiza sagittofolia

[[underline]] Verdi [[/underline]] edge of Mts. -& edge of Transition Z.
Pinus ponderosa

[[underline]] Marwol [[/underline]]
Ceonathus (squaw carpet
Arctostaphylos, wide leaf

[[underline]] State Line [[/underline]] 6000 feet
Ceonothus velutinus 6300 

[[underline]] Boca [[/underline]] 6400
Pinus murryana

[[underline]] Truckee [[/underline]]  6750
Pseudotsuga begins
P. ponderosa stops and murryana takes its place. The two pines overlap from Truckee to Boca. Boreal Zone begins just above Truckee.

[[underline]] Summit [[/underline]]  8100

Transcription Notes:
Checked species names etc. The [[Bruneanus?]] is stumping me too. Had a search for other towns in Utah starting with B that may relate, but with no luck. -@siobhanleachman I think that word has to be another mountain range, but I can't come up with it either. Maybe starts with P not B? -megshu Tried all sorts of combinations & read up about mountain ranges near Kelton with no luck. This word may always be a mystery! -@siobhanleachman Browncus