Viewing page 11 of 61

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[underline]] June 1 [[/underline]] 7 A.M.
. Sitta aculeata 1
Picacorvus 1
Pipilo oregoni  1

[[underline]] Pitt River V. [[/underline]] 10 AM

. Sayornis saya 2
. Oroscoptes 1
. Petrochelidon
. Night Hawks  com
. Zenaidura
. Spizella
. Poocetes 1
. Aegilais [[phamceus?]]
. Carpodacus
[[underline]] Hot Spr [[/underline]]

. Ammodramus
. Aegialitis vociferus
. Phalaropus
. Passerina amoena

. Spizella nest, & eggs  )
. Petrochelidon          )
[[right margin, line connects the above two entries to the next page, between lines "Colomia grandiflora" and "Amsinkia"]]

. Aphaerema 2
Willet 2
. Phalropus (wilsons) 2

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underline]] Pitt River Valley [[/underline]]
Quercus 1
Artemisia tridentata
" [[Ditto for: Artemisia]] trifida
" [[Ditto for: Artemisia]] cana
Lupinus (narrow leaved)
" [[Ditto for: Lupinus]] (pubescens?)
Iva axilaris
Pyrus ramosissina 
Colomia grandiflora
Phisalia 2
Brodea congesta
" [[Ditto for: Brodea]] lactea
Ribes aureum?

Transcription Notes:
Picacorvus = maybe for magpie or crow? Aegileis = maybe Aegolius Managed to clarify some of the [[?]] but am still working on others. Same issue as previous page with [[Aegilais phamceus?]] species possibly Aeglaius phoeniceus? Been playing around with many combinations but still can't find the perfect one. -@siobhanleachman