Viewing page 19 of 61

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[underlined]] June 16 [[/underlined]] Round grove
. Petrochelidon
. Chelidon
. Cyanocephalus
. Scolecophagus
. Colaptes cafer
Contopus richardsoni
. Empidonax
. Geothlypis macgillivrayi 1
. Salpinctus
. Sphyrapicus
[[underlined]] Summit [[/underlined]] 9:34 3200
. Cyanocitta
. Dendroica auduboni
[[underlined]] Camp 12 [[/underlined]], 5100
. Turdus

[[underlined]] June 17 [[/underlined]], Up Crater -
P. monticola
Abies concolor
Castanopsis chrysophylla
Arctostaphylos nevadensis
Chimaphila umbellulata
" [[Ditto for: Chimaphila]] macutata
[[line across page]]
. Empidomax 2 & nest
. Perisorus
. Sphyrapicus nuchalis

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] June 18 [[/underlined]] 9 5300

[[underlined]] Head of Drews Valley [[/underlined]] 5400
. Sturnella
. Merula
. Cotaples
. Petrochelidon
. Chelidon
. Spizella
. Poocaetes
. Otocaris
. Scolecophagus
. Agilais
. Hydrochelidon
. Willet
. Night Hawk
. Buteo swainsoni
. Pica 2

[[underline]] Goose Lake Valley [[/underlined]] 4900

. Corvus americanus
. Aguila chrysaetus
. Agelites
. Oreoscoptes
. Speotyto
. Larus
. Short eared owl
. Botaurus
. Phalropus tricolor 2
. Gallinago delicata, com

Transcription Notes:
macutata probably = maculata (result of a extended crossed T?) retained Bailey spelling -- [[Cotaples]] I think he may have intended to write "Colaptes" and crossed the "l" instead of the "t" -- @nounandverber I think you've transcribed [[Cotaples]] correctly so I've taken it out of the brackets. I also think you are correct about him crossing the l rather than the t -@siobhanleachman