Viewing page 24 of 61

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[[underlined]] June 25 [[/underlined]] Camp 8. 3550
. Myiarchus com
. Amphispiza com
. Spizella
. Merula
. Sialia arctica
. Cyanocephalus  a [[?]]
. Colaptes

Perodipus holes

Erriogonum (miniature)

[[underlined]] top of Escarpment [[/underlined]] 3350

[[underlined]] Prineville [[/underlined]] 2900

Physalia 2

[[underlined]] Camp [[/underlined]] 2975

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] June 26 [[/underlined]] Camp 3 2900

. Icteria v longicaules

. Sialia mexicana  1
[[underlined]] ridge [[/underlined]] 4200
. Melanerpes torquatus 2 nest
[[underlined]] Camp [[/underlined]] 3950
Zenopicus albolarvatus
. Parcus gambeli nest in stump
. Bubo
. Falco sparverius
. Loxia
[[underlined]] June 27 [[/underlined]] 10.  3950
[[gurubo?]] !!! 

[[underlined]] Hay creek [[/underlined]] 3000
. Otocoris
. Merula
. Colaptes
. Sturnella
. Chilidon
Stelgedopteryx [[l.?]] 2
. Myiarchus cinerascens 2
. Tyrannus verticalis 2
. Zenaidura com
Geothalypis trachis heard
. Dendroica arstiva 2
. Salpinctes
. Cathartes aura 2
. Lanius 1

Transcription Notes:
I'm not sure that Vernon really means Gumbo!!! First pass. Species names need checking before being put up to review. -@siobhanleachman Parcus = Parus First I thought maybe he was excited about having gumbo for dinner. But he may have meant guaruba--a S. American parrot. Maybe a pet escapee or a bird WAY off track. That would explain the three exclamation points. -- --a couple questions in brackets: @nounandverber Looking at it "garubo" I think it is possible he misspelt it as gurubo. Going to add that in brackets as it seems more likely and will leave the above note so that SI staff can possibly help figure it out! Dendroica arstiva = Dendroica aestiva