Viewing page 32 of 61

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[underlined]] July 21 [[/underlined]] Camp, 7 2100
[[underlined]] Rattlesnake Hills [[/underlined]]
Pica At spr.
Trochilus rufus [[strikethrough]] ? [[/strikethrough]] " [[ditto for: At spr.]]
Lanius " [[ditto for: At spr.]]
Oroscoptes " [[ditto for: At spr.]]
Zenaidera " [[ditto for: At spr.]]
Amphispiza " [[ditto for: At spr.]]
Sturnella " [[ditto for: At spr.]]
Pediocetes (tracks) " [[ditto for: At spr.]]
Chordiles " [[ditto for: At spr.]]
Falco mex. 2
Centrocircus (tracks)
Otocoris 6 out on sand
[[underlined]] Cold Creek [[/underlined]] 1150

Speotyto a family of 7

(Noon camp, 10 mi. from White Bluffs
12 m. 1200

Tub Spr. camped

Night Hawk

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] July 23 [[/underlined]] Tub Spr, 8, 1600

Summit 12, 2550

North Yakima 1600

Plants at N. Yakima same as Mobton & Columbia Valley

Transcription Notes:
Think Mobton is transcribed correctly. Vernon may mean Mobtown? -@siobhanleachman