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[[underlined]] Aug. 29. [[/underlined]] down to Hot Springs & [[underlined]] to Wyneton [[/underlined]] at Moore's place.

[[underlined]] Aug. 30 [[/underlined]] to Port Crescent & by boat to Neah Bay

[[underlined]] Aug. 31 [[/underlined]] to Seattle, & to Renton - 12 mi.

[[underlined]] Sep. 4 [[/underlined]] to Seattle

[[underlined]] Sep. 8 [[/underlined]] to Ellensburg

[[underlined]] Sep. 9 [[/underlined]] to Walla Walla & Pendleton.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] Sep. 10 [[/underlined]] to Elgin.

Elgin 2 P.M. 2900
Top of ridge 4000
Bridge over Wallowa 2800
Wallowa 3200
Lastine 3650
Joseph 4550

[[symbol indicating insertion]]
[[underlined]] Sep. 11 [[/underlined]]
[[/symbol indicating insertion]]
Ellis' ranch on lake 4850 

Mt trail to at 7600 CHM
Upper Lake 7600
[[strikethrough]] top of ridge [[/strikethrough]]
[[strikethrough]] S [[/strikethrough]] W. Timberline 9000 estimated
Top of ridge 9800 " [[ditto for: estimated]]
Pyramid peak 1050 " [[ditto for: estimated]]

[[underlined]] Sep. 12 [[/underlined]] Ellis' 9 4875
[[underlined]] Joseph [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] Edge [[/underlined]] of timber N.E. 5050
Larix " [[ditto for: 5050]]
Pseudotsuga " [[ditto for: 5050]]
Abies grandis " [[ditto for: 5050]]
Pinus ponderosa & lower
Acer glabrum " [[ditto for: 5050]]
Pinus murrayana
Left horses  at 6350
Lagomys 6500
Abies lasiocarpa " [[ditto for: 6500]]