Viewing page 21 of 65

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

June 15, Camp 7 6000

Lower shoreline 6200
Upper shoreline 6300

Lunch 6450
Outlet of valley 6200

Juniperus 6400
Pinus monophylla 6700 -
Camp 4 P.M. (40 mi.) 6750

[[underline]] June 16 [[/underline]] S. end Ruby Mts.
Camp, 6:30 AM 6600

Summit 6850
Tamias & Calospermophilus 6600
Sonoran Zone (E.) 6300

[[underline]] Camp [[/underline]] 12 mi. 6100
(15 mi.)

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underline]] Ruby Lake [[/underline]]
Anas boscas
" [[Ditto for: Anas]] cyanoptera
Redhead 2
Gadwell 1
Goose -
Grus canadensis heard
Botaurus com
Black crowned Night heron 1
Sterna nigricanus 2
" [[Ditto for: Sterna]] forsteri com
Fulica, nest & yg.
Xanthocephalus abn.
Aegialeus phoeniceus, com
Scolecophagus cyan-
Sturnella abn
Ammodramus 1
Geothlypis trachis com.
Cistothyrus 1 old nest
Falco sparverus
Circus 2
Spizella breweri
Tyrannus verticalis 2
Cathartes aura 1
Night hawk
Phalaenoptilus heard

Transcription Notes:
Checked species. Kept Vernon's spelling. Happy to complete -@siobhaleachman Calaspermophilus = Callospermophilus Argialeus phoeniceus = Agelaius phoeniceus Geothlypis trachis = Geothlypis trichas Cistothyrus = Cistothorus Falco sparverus = Falco sparverius