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[[red checkmark]]

Survey  Maine
Coll. No.  104
Locality  Road between McCurdy & Pemaquid Ponds
County  Lincoln
Water  clear, white
Flow  -
Width  - 
Vegetation  reeds, lilies
Bottom  sand, humus, mud
Shore  open (road) & wooded
Distance from shore - 150'
Time  3:45-4:00 
Weather  pt. cloudy
Depth of Capture
Depth of Water
Method of Capture  net
Date  June 12, 1951
Collected by  RH & SP Gibbs & D.O. Borror
Orig. preserv  Pot. cyanide
General notes:
[[red checkmark]] [[underlined]]  Leucorrhinia intacta [[/underlined]] - 3 [[male symbol]]
[[red checkmark]] [[underlined]] Tetragoneuria cynosura vibrans [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]]
[[red check mark]] [[underlined]] Tetragoneuria spinigera [[/underlined]] 1 [[male symbol]]
[[red check mark]] [[underlined]] Ladona exusta [[/underlined]] seen
[[red check mark]] [[underlined]] Lestes vigilax [[/underlined]] -  1 [[male symbol]]
[[red check mark]] [[underlined]] Ischnura verticalis [[/underlined]] - 1 [[female symbol]] 

Transcription Notes:
From TC (@raferrante): This is primarily a form. What appears on the lines is not an insertion. So as an example, the first line should read "Survey Maine" We will take a look at refining our instruction to make what is and what is not an insertion more clear.