Viewing page 86 of 415

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[[red check mark]] Anax junius - 2♂
[[red check mark]] Aeshna clepsydra - 3♂
[[red check mark]] Aeshna canadensis - 1♂ 1♀
[[red check mark]] Libellula incesta - 5♂
[[red check mark]] Erythemis simplicicollis - 1♂ 1♀
[[red check mark]] Celithemis elisa - 1♂
[[red check mark]] C. martha - 3♂ 1♀
[[red check mark]] C. eponina - 1♂ 1♀
[[red check mark]] ? Sympetrum vicinum - 12♂ 11♀
[[red check mark]] Lestes vigilax - 2♂
[[red check mark]] Lestes disjunctus - 5♂
[[red check mark]] Enallagma [[strikethrough]] minisculum [[/strikethrough]] doubledayi - 1♂
[[red check mark]] E. geminatum - 1♂
not rec. check [[red check mark]] Ischnura kellicotti - 2♂
[[red check mark]] I. posita - 2♂ 1♀
[[red check mark]] Ischnura verticalis - 1♀