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Survey  Mass.
Coll. No.  RHG 244
Locality  Jabinette’s Pond, W. Yarmouth
Water  light brown to brown, clear
Flow  1 ft. in outlet
Vegetation  Nymphaea, Juncus
Bottom  Sand; humus in NW corner + outlet
Shore  wooded
Distance from shore
Temperature:  Air
Weather  clear
Depth of Capture
Depth of Water
Method of Capture
Date  June 13, 1953
Collected by  R.H. Gibbs
Orig. preserv.
Time  2:15 - 4:45
General notes:  Tetragoneuria cynosura - 1 [[male symbol]] 4 [[female symbol]] - com. over outlet 1 on pond
Ladona deplanata - 2 [[male symbol]]
L. exusta - 1 [[male symbol]] (1 [[female symbol]] pinned) [[both entries (Ladono deplonata & L. exusta) bracketed]] about equally common
Leucorrhinia [[underline]] intacta [[/underline]] - 1 [[female symbol]]
Celithemis elisa - 1 [[male symbol]] - few
Enallagma doubledayi - 1 [[male symbol]] - sev
E. minusculum - 3 [[male symbol]] -   - sev
E. laterale - 26 [[male symbol]] 2 [[female symbol]] -        - com.
E recurvatum - 3 [[male symbol]] - sev
E. [[underline]] recurvatum [[/underline]] - 1 [[female symbol]]
Ischnura verticalis - 1 [[male symbol]] - com.-
I. posita - 1 [[male symbol]]
Lestes vigilax - 1 [[male symbol]] 1 [[female symbol]]