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Survey   Tenn.
Drainage   Tennessee
Coll. No.   310 (RHG 423)
Locality   French Broad R. 4.4 mi. SW of Parrotsville on US 411
County   Cooke
Water   White turbid
Flow   400
Width   -150'
Vegetation   sparse
Bottom   rock;rubble;silt in backwaters
Current   mod. fast
Shore   wooded
Distance from shore
Air   86°
Water   76°
Time   1:30 pm
Weather   clear
Depth of Capture
Depth of Water   -4'
Method of Capture   net
Date   August 31, 1953
Collected by    Gibbs & Caswell
Orig. preserv.   Pot. cyanide
Time   1:30-4:00 p.m DST
General notes:

Heterina americana - [[strikethrough]] seen [[/strikethrough]] 1♀
[[strikethrough]] H [[/strikethrough]] Erpetogomphus desgnatus- 4♂
Hagenius brevistylus -caught by PPC
Gomphus [[underlined]] plagiatus [[/underlined]] - 1♂
Perithemis tenera-seen