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Survey   Penna.
Drainage    Delaware
Coll. No.   RHG 55-1
Locality   Unami Creek at Finland
County   Bucks
Water   white, clear
Flow   200
Width   -50'
Vegetation   sparse
Bottom   coarse sand, gravel, rubble
Current    mod
Shore   wooded
Distance from shore  
Air   ?60F
Water   ?55F
Weather   clear
Depth of Capture   -3'
Depth of Water   -3'
Method of Capture   dredge, rake & seine
Date   April 9, 1955
Collected by    Gibbs, Beatty
Orig. preserv.    kept alive
Time    1:30 - 4:30 PM
General notes:  River not particularly high or low. Main stream and small tributaries (as small as 6-12" wide) examined.  Only one Cordulegaster taken in stream, other in river. 
Larvae taken:
Basiaeschna janata - 2
Dromogomphus spinosus - 5 [[In the word spinosus, letter "u" is typed over "i"]]
Cordulegaster obliquus - [[strikethrough]] 2 [[/strikethrough]] 1
C. moculatus - 1
Gomphus exilis - 38
Tetragoneuria cynosura - 15
Agrion aequabile -1 [[In the word aequabile, letter "u" is typed over "i" while "a" is written over "i"]]
G. abbreviatus - 13

G. lividus - 7
Macromia illinoiensis - [[strikethrough]] 12 [[/strikethrough]] 1
Didymops transversa - 11
Neurocordulia obsoleta - 4