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mileage 24983.8
Survey  N.Y.
Coll. No. 55 - 4
Locality stream 10 mi. N. of Long Lake, N. of Big Brook
County  Hamilton 
Water brown, clear
Width - 20'
Vegetation com. - grasses, sedge 
Bottom  sand, gravel
Current mod
Shore  wooded (low) to alder
Distance from shore - 10'
Weather pt. cldy.
Depth of Capture   
Depth of Water - 2' 
Method of Capture net, dredge
Date   VI - 9 - 1955
Collected by   R.H. Gibbs  
Orig. preserv. Pot. cyanide   
Time  8:30 - 11:00 AM
General notes: 
Cordulegaster maculatus- very ab.  The only species in evidence until about 10 AM.  Mating pairs, after the initial contact, soared out of sight.  ♀'s oviposited near piles of rocks or large rocks, dipping quickly one to 20 or more times in a row.  Very easy to catch at narrow points in stream.  14♂ 2♀
Gomphus descriptus 6♂ more com. as morning progressed.
Basiaeschna janata - 1 or 2 seen
Helocordulia uhleri - 1♂
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