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Survey   N.Y.
Coll. No. RHG 55-5
Locality  Boggy area about 5 mi. N of Otter Lake
County  Oneida   
Water Brown, clear
Flow none
Width  - 300'
Vegetation abund. - sphagnum, iris, sedge, etc.
Bottom Bog
Current none
Shore wooded
Distance from shore - 50'   
Time  11:30 - 2:30 PM
Weather  clear
Depth of Capture   
Depth of Water ? 
Method of Capture  net
Date VI - 9 - 1955
Collected by R.H. Gibbs, Jr.
Orig. preserv. Pot. cyanide   
Time  1:30 - 2:45 PM
General notes: 
Cordulegaster sp. - 1 seen
Cordulia shurtleffi - com. - 6♂
Ladona julia - very ab. - not afraid to sit on net or my person. - 14 [[4 written over a 2]] ♂ 1♀
Plathemis lydia - 1♀ seen
Libellula quadrimaculata - com. - 1♂
Leucorrhinia hudsonica - very ab. [[strikethrough]] - 5♂ 3♀ [[/strikethrough]] 11♂ 6♀
L. proxima - uncommon - 3♂
Nannothemis bella- one only 1♀
Coenagrion resolutum - not uncom. - 8♂ 2♀
Enallagma [[underlined]] cyathigerum [[/underlined]] - abund. 15♂ 4♀
E. [[underlined]] hageni [[/underlined]] - uncom. - 3♂
E. boreale - 1♂ 1♀ 
Chromagrion conditum - few - 1♂