Viewing page 121 of 146

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[[all copy is preprinted in box]] 


[[end page

[[start page]]
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[[table of 7 columns, transcribed left to right]]
[[columns 1-5 of 7]]

BS. AIRES  |  SANTOS           | R.JANEIRO
Sail       |___________________| Wednesday
Friday     | arrive  |  Sail   | Arrive
A.M.       | Moday   |  Tuesday| Sail P.M.
           | A.M.    |  P.M.   |

Brazil...  |  May 9  | Jun. 12 | Jun. 13 | 
Uruguay..  |  Jun. 23|  un. 26 | Jun. 27 | 
Argentina. |  Jul.7  | Jul. 10 | Jul. 11 | 
Brazil...  |  Jul. 21| Jul. 24 | Jul. 25 | 
Uruguay..  |  Aug. 4 | Aug. 7  | Aug. 8  | 
Argentina. |  Aug. 13| Aug. 21 | Aug. 22 | 
Brazil...  |  Sep. 1 | Sep. 4  | Sep. 5  | 
Uruguay..  |  Sep. 15| Sep. 18 | Sep. 19 | 
Argentina. |  Sep. 29| Oct. 2  | Oct. 3  | 
Brazil...  |  Oct. 13| Oct. 16 | Oct 17  | 
Uruguay..  |  Oct. 27| Oct. 31 | Oct. 31 | 

[[columns 6-7 of 7]]

              TRINIDAD    | NEW YORK   
              Arrive      | Arrive
              Wednesday   | Monday
              P.M.        | A.M.
[[Brazil]]    Jun. 21     | Jun. 26
[[Uruguay]]   Jul. 5      | Jul. 10
[[Argentina]] Jul. 19     | Jul. 24
[[Brazil]]    Aug. 2      | Aug. 7
[[Uruguay]]   Aug. 16     | Aug. 21 
[[Argentina]] Aug. 30     | Sep. 4
[[Brazil]]    Sep. 13     | Sep. 18
[[Uruguay]]   Sep. 27     | Oct. 2
[[Argentina]] Oct. 11     | Oct. 16
[[Brazil]]    Oct. 25     | Oct. 30
[[Uruguay]]   Nov. 8      | Nov. 13

Transcription Notes:
Transcriber: Start right-hand page, Schedule Southbound.