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   Sunday May 7-1882.
Most of the words recorded were reproduced when the phonogram was rotated, but the sounds were very faint, and did not seem to be any more distinct than those obtained before.
  I intend to try the effect of putting in a solid, light wooden bar in the place of the cotton thread, and then try longer diaphragms as suggested on p. 48 Vol. 6.
   Noted by S.T. May 7 -1882.
   Thursday May 11-1882.
 The arrangement with a lighter wooden bar mentioned above, was made last Monday, and some experiments made with it upon that date.
  The following diagram shows the arrangement used:
[[image - drawing of apparatus with parts labeled: A, B, C, D, E, G]]
A, paraffine-wax plate; B, hardened steel style; C, support for style; D, diaphragm, (ordinary telephone plate) E. light bar of pine wood connecting center of diaphragm with style B.
  A phonogram made with this apparatus gave considerably better articulation, when the sounds were reproduced by the apparatus at the foot of p. 1,- than any obtained from preceeding records.
  The amplitude of the vibrations was greater, and the reproduction louder than when the thread was used  as shown at the top of p.1.
  Noted by S.T. May 11-1882-----over