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    Thursday May 11-1882.
During the past two or three days I have been engaged constructing apparatus having a much larger diaphragm, and after completing it today made the following experiments with it.
[[drawn image of apparatus with areas labeled A-H]]
 A, paraffin -wax plate;  B. Style; C, support; D, iron diaphragm 13.5 cm. in diam. and 0.02 in. stick including the Japan varnish upon the surface; E, light-straight bar of pine wood connected with the style, and with ^[[insert]] the [[/insert]] center of diaphragm D.
F, type metal case; G, wooden mouth-piece, having hole about 3 cm. in diameter through it.
  The case F was screwed to the piece H which was clamped to the slide-rest of the lathe.
  A very fine appearing phonogram was obtained this afternoon with the above apparatus, and the reproductions by means of the apparatus shown at the foot of p. 1, were the best obtained yet.
  In making the phonogram the words were spoken in a loud tone of voice while my lips were just inside G, but not for enough in to condense the air very much.
 The amplitude of the vibrations was considerably greater than when the telephone diaphragm was used. I expect better results with a thin wooden diaphragm on account of its greater elasticity
   Noted by S.T. May 11-1882-